“In 900 years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important.” — The Doctor, Season 6
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Sunday, January 12, 2025
The year 2024 rapidly sprinted to a close. I had been valiantly fighting my internal desire to race through the early days of winter toward unpromised days of renewal and peace mysteriously hidden at the start of a new year. Tonight, I found myself in church, 48 hours from the dropping of the silver ball that I would not stay up to watch.
The 6:30 Sunday evening service has become my new favorite time to attend mass at St. Michael Parish. On this night, the church held a memorial mass for Mom. Keeping up with all of Mom’s masses challenged my retired-person calendar skills but was a continual blessing in my heart.
I was anxious and tense that night, not because of the memorial. Christmas had just been five days earlier, and the sky was dark. A terrible wind howled its way throughout the early evening night. On top of that, the Steelers had just lost three straight games, culminating on Christmas Day.
The church did not reach the shoulder-to-shoulder capacity of Christmas Eve, so I wasn’t too concerned about finding an area on a pew where I could sit by myself. The congregation of Sunday evening church-goers stood for an unfortunately half-hearted “Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful!” Everyone seemed rather tired (possibly from a week of family gatherings and celebrations), but I did my best to carry a tune as Father Luis made his way from the vestibule to the front of the church.
Father Luis arrived at St. Michael this past summer. He and Mom grew close when he visited her to talk and pray during the hottest times of the year. Her eyes always popped with excitement whenever Father Luis came through the door, so I felt much better when he offered the memorial. Mom would have liked this.
As Father Luis greeted everyone and began the opening prayers, I settled into my spot on the pew. Throughout mass, I listened to the reading and Father Luis’s homily. Still, I occasionally drifted off to memories that popped into my mind and even wondered helplessly about daily concerns. I felt the hard wind blow against the church's stained glass windows, and I knew I was present but wasn’t totally in mind, body, and spirit.
Prayers and occasional singing jarred my pondering mind. Outwardly, I remained reserved as I sat in the pew, adjusting my jacket and rearranging my keys and prayerbook. Inwardly, my mind gravitated to the distraction of a crying child or the fading beauty of the Christmas poinsettias remaining around the altar. My latent ADD ignited uncomfortable Catholic guilt as I glanced at my fellow parishioners, who appeared untroubled and engaged in the service.
Sometimes, uncertainty and frustration attack me from both sides. I struggle to focus and grow flushed from embarrassment known only to me. I found the big white candle that glowed near the Advent wreath. Taking some deep breaths, I began to fixate on the tiny flame I could see from over a dozen pews away.
I slowly began to find my place, my grounding. Whenever I felt as if I was straying, I closed my eyes, took another deep breath, and opened my eyes. The mass continued as the church lights flickered with the roar of the wind outside. The organist led us all in “Angels We Have Heard on High” as the congregation continued to process the middle aisle for communion. And the mountains in reply, Echoing their joyous strains. Glor-
And then the lights went out. The church was dark except for the candles adorning the altar.
Silence wrapped us in the darkness. Everyone stood still in the communion line, unsure whether to move or talk, as we all seemed to be holding our breaths for the lights to come back on. I have been in places where the lights had gone out, and everyone began chattering and even laughing. The church being pitch dark except for four or five candles illuminating the empty darkness struck me differently.
My anxiety and tension melted completely. I no longer needed to keep either at bay with deep breaths and candle-watching. I chuckled a little. I ever so softly sang to myself. Glor-or-or-or-or-or-ia. No one noticed. I smiled as I cherished the quiet and solitude amidst a crowd of people in the dark.
And then one light, a small light, glowed a white electric box in the hands of a man a row in front of me. I could see his thumbs moving across the bottom of the screen as he texted someone.
Two more lights blinked as people across the aisle took out their mobile phones. One lady held hers in front of her like a makeshift candle. I could see Father Luis standing at the front of the communion line. He appeared ready to begin again. An usher from the vestibule marched up the aisle with his mobile phone held high so those in line could move forward without fear.
People began whispering with their neighbors as more cell phones came alive throughout the church. Many people began to feel more at ease using their phones in a place where we once all thought it best to put them away. The darkness remained, but the random scattering of cell phone lights transformed a moment of peaceful solemnity into something else.
I kept my phone in my pocket, wanting to remain in the tranquility of the darkness with only the candles burning from far away. Mass continued as Father Luis confidently navigated the altar area, finding his spot at the front of the church to give a final blessing. He asked us to be careful as we left and drove home.
I sat in the pew where I had been the entire mass. The organist played no closing hymn as people quietly laughed and talked while bumping into one another despite having lights from their cell phones to guide them. They had conversations I envisioned myself having in a different time or place, innocent conversations about lost electricity and stormy weather.
I sat and watched them leave, hoping to turn back time because I wanted to rediscover the peacefulness I felt when the lights went out. I stayed and did the unthinkable. I looked around with the hope that everyone was gone. I pulled out my phone and quickly snapped a picture of the altar as it stood in the dark, candles casting a warm glow in the empty sanctuary.
Once I did this, I jammed my phone into my jacket pocket. I wished I had not taken that picture. I had violated some unspoken trust between the serenity still in the air and my presence as a guest.
It’s just that sometimes I need a tangible reminder of what to do when the weather changes and when pressures and responsibilities become heavy. I forgot that I do not need to fear when life turns dark. I just need to be still and know.